S. G. Slang

The Golden Rule: When out for a meal that is not specifically for pizza, best efforts must be made to order pizza, in any of its variations, if it is offered on the menu.

Char: The caramelization that occurs on the edge of the crust. Too much char means you burnt it.

Conveyor Belt Pizza: Pizza that gets cooked on a belt oven. Popular method in fast food style pizza (Dominos, Papa Ginos, etc).

Holy Trinity: Grated Parmesan, oregano, & red pepper flakes. These three condiments should be available at every Neapolitan style pizzeria. (This is not typical or expected in non-Italian pizza eateries, i.e. Greek, Chicago Style, Flat-Breads, etc).

Melt: Used to describe how well the cheese is cooked and how its distribution on the pizza affects it. “Hey Celeste look at this melt, it’s all bunched up in the front causing a unfortunate Sag, what a pity”…Insert frownie face

Party Cut: An 8 slice pizza that is cut into 16 equal slices. This ensures a fair distribution of pie if you’re entertaining numerous guest, (i.e. family members, friends, kids, business associates and in extremely rare cases…pets)

Sag: the posture of a slice and how it withstands the burden of heavy toppings, (i.e. cheese, sauce, meat/veggies). If a slice does not sag then the place probably knows what they’re doing. “Aw man, this slice has “the sag”. It burnt my face and now look…all the toppings are on the plate and I’ll have to eat them with a fork” – FAIL!

Turdling: A Turdling is a frozen & processed pizza topping mainly consisting of the meat variety. “I cannot believe they used sausage Turdlings on this pie, automatic 1 slice deduction”. Exceptions = frozen grocery store pizza and fast food varieties, i.e. Dominos, PaPa John’s, etc…